Donate to the Library

 Why Library Donations Matter

Library donations make a big difference because they provide funding for additional books, special projects, and library improvements that might not otherwise be possible within the normal yearly budget. Donation money has allowed us to expand upon library book collections, purchase an electronic message board, buy book covering machines, and much more.


How Your Donation Will Be Used

Many people choose to donate to our Gift & Trust fund without specifying how we should spend the money. That is totally fine, and we will make sure the donation money is used wisely for the betterment of the library.

If you wish, you can also work with us to create a plan for how your donation money will be used.

Here are some ideas:

  • You can donate money for us to add books to a certain library collection (example: fiction, mystery, large print, young adult, children’s). We are always happy to add a memorial nameplate to books if you are donating in someone’s memory.

  • You can pay for us to purchase a specific book or book series for the library collection (we are often able to use a library discount to buy books for lower prices).

  • You can specify if there is a certain category you want the money to be used for. This might include things like Summer Reading Prizes, library furniture, library programs, literacy projects, e-books, technology improvements, and more.


Used Book Donations

If you have books to donate that you would like us to consider adding to the library collection, please contact us in advance.


Want to talk more?

Please fill out the form below if you would like to talk more about making a donation to the library. We would be happy to answer any questions you have, and we really appreciate that you are thinking of giving the library your support.